Screen Capture For Chrome | NinjaCapture by 500apps

 Screen Capture For Chrome by 500apps, NinjaCapture, provides the capture and dissemination of videos.

screen Capture For Chrome?

Screen Capture For Chrome is a function provided by the useful NinjaCapture plugin. By installing this browser extension, you may easily record the activities of a webpage or grab a screenshot of it.

Chrome's Screen Capture Success

Add the NinjaCapture extension to your web browser to simplify web-based chores. This will keep important functions nearby.

Features of Screen Capture For Chrome

Distribute all media files that you capture or record with Ninjacapture via a simple URL that you can construct and share with coworkers and clients.

Audio Capture

The audio recording feature of the Ninjacapture addon, which gives you access to your microphone, will improve the communication between you and your teammates.

Instant Notice

The recipients of recently shared and captured files using NinjaCapture will be notified through email more promptly.

Read More: Screen Capture For Chrome | NinjaCapture by 500apps


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